I absolutely love this little top...love it. I only wish I could make it. I do like me a challenge, so I ordered the pattern and hope to make this for my 5 year old. Our clothing battles are well...draining. I was so spoiled with my oldest and can pretty much still pick out her clothes. K has been fickle since she was 2 - and very particular about what she does and more importantly does NOT like on her clothes. No hoods, no buttons, no pockets, no brown, no long sleeves...the list goes on. I can't even buy her anything without her with me and even then, there is no guarantee she'll wear it. Target is going to ban me from returns pretty soon. She does love her fancy clothes though, so my hope is the I can try my hand at some casual "fancy" clothes for her. Has anyone made this pattern? I have made ruffled pants before but never a top - so, I'm a little nervous about how that's going to work out. Feel free to leave me lots of encouragement so this darling pattern doesn't find it's way to the bottom of the pattern drawer.
On another clothing note, I have been so intrigued by the recycled t-shirt dresses. I did try one of those the other day without a pattern and let me just say that there are patterns for a reason. The dress was a little too snug in the bum, but I'm thinking that this is something I can accomplish. K has all these t-shirts that she doesn't like to wear because she prefers dresses - so I'm hoping I can convert some of these to add to her wardrobe (which is scarce I tell you, and will get even more scarce as I make yet another return to Target today).
Hope you all are having a great week. What are you working on?
1 day ago
i'm beginning to think it's uncanny how much we have in common. my oldest (12) still lets me dress her quite often, but some of the younger ones most definitely have their own ideas! make life hard on me when i want to play "dress up my baby dolls." good luck with the battles!